Sunday, July 21, 2024

Newsies - Artistry

Photo: Dan Norman
 Artistry has another hit on their hands with Newsies! This 2011 musical, based on the 1992 Disney film, opened recently and plays through Aug 11. Directed by Ben Bakken, with choreography by Renee Guittar, this production is everything you could want in a production of this show. It has an incredible cast that has a very nice mix of performers, with a lead that is just amazing.

Though Newsies hit Broadway in 2011, this was my first live production. I have seen the film a number of times and really enjoy it. Based on the Newsboys strike in New York City in 1899, the film was a musical by Alan Menken and Jack Feldman. At the time it did not do well at the box office, but clearly the stage production has done very well for itself. Expanding the score from the film, with an adapted book by Harvey Fierstein, the stage production tells the same story with it's focus on Jack Kelly, and his friendships with fellow newsboys, as well as their fight for justice against Joseph Pulitzer who makes their job more difficult every chance he gets. That being written, this show has a happy ending...naturally.

Photo: Dan Norman
The Artistry cast is packed with some major talent. Will Dusek plays Jack Kelly and is perfection. He plays the role with truth and honesty, and an incredible voice. He is backed by a cast of fourteen performers playing the other newsboys, as well as multiple other cast members playing various roles. Each of the characterizations were strong and individual. Each of them had varying strengths in dance which they showed to perfection, each taking a turn during curtain call, and other moments during the show to show off what they had. Sure you had some always amazing talent like Rush Benson, Nathan Huberty, and Elly Stahlke who come from a movement background, but are also triple-threats. With such a large cast it is difficult to call out everyone, however there was not a weak spot on stage all night long. Bri Graham as Medda Larkin, and Audrey Parker as Katherine both had singular moments in their solos to really show off their voice...which they did. Both of them gave such incredible performances, and both had unexpected high belts in them which were a joy to hear. Tyson Insixiengmai as Crutchie was heartfelt in his performance, especially his number in Act Two (where unfortunately he is underused due to how the story unfolds). Despite that he shines through out. Special shout-out to Maddox Tabalba playing Les, the youngest cast member. He has a future for himself in theatre if he wants it. He was there, playing the role openly and honestly, and always  focused on what was happening on stage. Fantastic job!

Photo: Dan Norman
The set, costumes, make-up, lighting were all perfection for this production. The playing spaces and locations were clearly defined, the set changes were quick and flowed with the story, and the costuming was just what it should be. This is now my third or fourth show at Artistry and each one is so good, with such a strong cast. If you haven't been there yet, do yourself a favor and go. You won't regret it.

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